TFT Progress Report #13 – Day 103 and more than halfway to goal!

Happy Sunnyday, TFT Community!   And, while we are at it–happy lunar perigee.  I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy the perigee.  🙂

Well, it’s hard to believe that the last TFT Progress report was posted so many days ago, on August 9, when Logan was camping in Eminence, MO.  Much has transpired these past 20 days; he has covered much ground since then.

To bring you up to speed on the overall Trek benchmarks thus far:

On Thursday, August 27, we celebrated 100 days on the trek.  As of day 100, Logan had logged 2,506 total miles cumulative. The breakdown  as of day 100 was 72 days walking (1, 106 miles) 28 days on bike (1,400 miles) = 2,506 miles.

Today, just a few minutes ago, and literally as I type this update, I received the following photo and text from Logan:

“Halfway there!  Also over the halfway mark of the cycling leg.  Only 1,450 miles to go! 🙂    …Just reached the summit at 12:30 eastern; 12.5 miles at 6 miles per hour.  Not as tough as the climb two days ago; better road and weather. …Eating something, and then a fast and hair-raising decent…I will video it.”

Monarch Pass Summit

So there you have it, happy campers, We have surpassed the halfway mark to San Fran, and less than 1500 miles to go — way to trek, Logan — we KNOW you can and will make it!!!

It is great to receive this update from Logan, whereas the last one (and the previous intense climb to which he refers) was on Friday.  Thought I’d share it with you, to provide a peek behind the scenes of the glamorous (not) life on the trail:

“Dude… 15+ mile climb with 4,500 foot elevation gain…ouch!  Rockies are beautiful, but they kicked my ass today!  Longest climb I’ve ever done by 6 miles.  My legs are hammered, but hopeful better in the morning.  …Big storm last night and I ended up sleeping in bathroom at park.  Motion sensor light went on every time I moved! ”

Yup, every time I start to whine about something in my life for which I am not satisfied, I tend to pause and consider how it could be a lot worse- such as sleeping in a park bathroom to avoid a storm and not having a warm shower for days on end.  Logan and I sometimes chuckle when I complain about work and all of the emails and calls I have to process each day, lamenting that I wish I was out there on the trail with zero laptop and cut of from the world.    He replies how he’d like to be able to spend the night in one place for at least a couple nights in a row, not have to eat trail food daily, and have a shower and clean clothes more than once a week.  Then, we both pause, re-consider our circumstances, and decide (with a good laugh) that we will maintain our respective lifestyles- at least for now 🙂

In other news, Logan has recorded some really good videos; both footage of the cycling journey as well as some commentary videos related to issues for which we seek the truth.  Please check out both our FB page and YouTube channel to catch up on the videos (and remember to ‘like’ when you view).

As for the indiegogo fundraiser, we are deeply appreciative of the donations that have come in- thank you!  We’ve raised almost $800.00 toward our $5,000 goal.  Thanks also to such folks as Jim and Andrew for supporting the media development and website efforts, as well as our families and friends for their moral support, and the many trail angels whom Logan encounters along the trail.  Indeed, we have MUCH gratitude- it is a collective effort!

I will speak just a tad more about ‘the collective’ in the closing comments.  For the moment, I’d like to share with you some of the wonderful photos Logan has captured these past 20 days.  Please enjoy this TFT scrapbook (click on a photo to enlarge it):

Near Golden City MO


central Kansas








Logan’s good friend Sue


Scott City Park in Kansas- home is where you hang your hammock









fellow cycler Wayne Meador and his rig










East Colorado Plain















campsite in Olney Springs










Sugar City Cafe

Thomas Sr. & Thomas Jr.











Heart of The Rockies campground









fellow cycler Ryan-taken in Cotapaxi






The nice ladies at the Hillsdale Post Office






now that is a climb!







Summit of Monarch Pass







Rockies at Monarch Pass







Final maps for remaining trek








Bike map detail


In closing, we’d again like to thank everyone who is participating on this trek with us.  As it pertains to other recent posts with respect to unity among humanity, as well as the sometimes-not-so-pleasant topic matter we address via video or blogs, we have reached a pivotal point as a global society.

On the one hand, it seems evident that more and more people are awakening to the truths about the oppressive agendas of the powers that were.  It’s good that the veil is being lifted to let in the light of reckoning.

On the other hand, some of these truths are simply not fun to deal with; families and communities-entire nations- have been impacted in terrible ways by systems that do not serve the greater good.

In any case, we must be courageous to address these matters, in order that we may develop ways to make life better for everyone and our Mother Earth.  Ultimately, that is what we seek to do:  build the new.  To help usher in the second renaissance with as much love and compassion as we can possibly muster for all of Earth’s people.

We are the collective called humanity.  It is our divine nature to live in peace and prosperity, in full recognition and real-ization that we are capable of returning and anchoring heaven on Earth.

Let us, then, be united around those things that virtually everyone desires- regardless of race, creed or religion.  Such things as good health, a clean environment, the end to wars, freedom to experience liberty as defined by the sovereign individual, tranquility, plenty of food and shelter for all…in a word: happiness.

Let us end the separation by remaining vigilant to the things and entities that seek to divide us.

Let us unite, remain strong, and bring healing to our collective in re-membering that Truth and Love Prevails.  It always does.

Until next progress report, may our Truth and Love be with you, 🙂


P.S.– As always, please subscribe to our channels and pass along these links to others who might be interested in subscribing–Thank you!

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Indiegogo campaign link = 









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