A few thoughts after May Day as I start the C&O Canal Trail:
Logan McCulloch
Hiking into Washington, DC for May Day – a national Lyme disease protest event:
A quick update near Denton, MD
Howdy once again, TFT Community! 🙂
As we update you on progress for the week ending May 2nd, I am excited to report that Logan will broach the 200 mile mark this coming week–and what a week it has been! Let’s dive right into it…
The ADT path conditions were MUCH better this week because Logan was on the C&O canal tow path, versus the heavily congested, more dangerous highways of last week’s leg. That said, Logan began the week with a deficit; a wicked raw foot from the first week ending, and a ‘little piggy’ that went ‘ouch’. …And THEN, Monday began with a bit of a scare, whereas Logan discovered an embedded tick that hitched a ride at some point the night before:
Onward and upward!
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal was operated from 1831 until 1924 along the Potomac River, primarily for transporting coal from the Allegheny Mountains. It runs from Washington, D.C., to Cumberland, MD. To give you an idea of where this is, see map image here. This illustrates mile 0-10 of the C&O, which Logan accomplished on Wednesday, April 29–and then some! It was a 19 mile day that day.
–But wait– I am getting ahead of the chronology because we want to tell you about some of the really awesome folks that Logan met at Greenbelt Park the day before, one of whom was Phil, and another wasVinny from NY.
Vinny is a fellow veteran who is biking the ADT, trying to raise funds for veterans services such as suicide prevention and the Warrior Hike Walking Off The War Program created by Marine veteran Sean Gobin. WAY TO GO VINNY– and thank you — for bringing awareness and assistance to the plight of the innumerable veterans who have been ABSOLUTELY SCREWED* and left hanging by our ‘Government’ (*Drew’s commentary)
Logan broke camp at 0630 Wednesday, April 29, and busted out 19 miles in order to meet his friend and trail angels, Oslem and her husbans, in time for their rendezvous point near the C&O. Here’s a great pic of Logan at the time:
Thursday was a ‘zero day’, meaning that Logan did not log any Trek miles, because he was in Arlington, VA for the May Day event. The ‘May Day’ is a national Lyme Disease protest at the HQ of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). An objective of the May Day event is to persuade the IDSA to reconsider their position denying the existence of chronic Lyme disease.
–OH, BTW, if you want to learn more about the horrendous deeds of the tax-payer-funded organizations that are SUPPOSED to be helping the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of our citizens whom have contracted Lyme, but are, instead, kowtowing to the insidious big pharma monopoly, then go to this link on YouTube for a documentary that will BLOW YOUR MIND:
…And here is a GREAT photo of Oslem at the protest–thanks again, Oslem, to you and your husband, for taking care of Logan on the trail:
Logan made a couple of videos leading up to this; if you go to this upload you can find both:
As of Friday, May 1, Logan was on the C&O path, having departed the great folks he met at the May Day protest the two days before.
It was on this day that Logan met another AWESOME human being by the name of Warren. …Logan and I spoke of this encounter on Saturday morning, when I called him for counsel because I was totally depressed.
I had been doing research the night before; I was delving into some data for upcoming posts to TFT (for which I am woefully behind posting content). As these things go, one rabbit hole led to another, and I came across some research about the programmed sexual-ization of young children. …It was a video that showed, very clearly, how the film industry, TV and other controlled interest of the ruling oligarchy manipulate children to become desensitized to child pornography and other mass-media mind control methods in order to induce society into accepting the abuse and exploitation of children–GLOBALLY!!!
As I watched it, I became overwhelmed with sadness, (if not wanting to vomit), at the fact that our society has become so very brainwashed…at the point that there is some perverse cognitive dissonance which impedes people from seeing the gross manipulation to which our children are exposed– and via such dynasties as Disney and all of the other plethora of lame-stream media propaganda infiltrating our homes.
I was very, very sad. I felt that our Trek For Truth initiative could NEVER overcome nor remotely compete against the BILLIONS of dollars and decades of mind control invested by ALL of the media who serve ONLY the interest of the sick bastards at the top of this fetid pyramid. …Those same sick bastards who refer to YOU as ‘useless eaters’ (google it).
I became very depressed, indeed…I wondered if all of this effort was for naught.
The next morning (yesterday- Saturday), I texted Logan to check in, and he too was a bit worn down. –No doubt because his body ached, but also mentally. We decided to chat, although Logan’s phone battery was quite low, and we were mutually concerned about him having no phone power out there on the trail.
As I conveyed to him my concerns and described the absolute ‘low’ I was in, he told me about a gentlemen he had met the day before…a very kind person named Warren.
As Logan conveyed his experience: Warren was jogging along the C&O path, passed by Logan, then circled back to strike up a conversation. They discussed the TFT mission and Warren was impressed. He spontaneously offered food and shelter to Logan that night, but Logan declined because he was only a couple miles from his bivouac site for that evening. Kindly, they parted ways, each continuing on their routes for that day. It was but a short while later that Logan felt tremendous remorse for declining the invitation from Warren. “…I was smacking my forehead, Drew, doing a palm face-plant, that I might have offended Warren in some way, when he was only trying to help…I feel very badly for not taking him up on his offer, especially when the whole purpose of TFT is, in essence, a massive community outreach to engage with anyone and everyone along the trail… ”
As we spoke of this encounter with Warren, I became suddenly inspired! “It is true, Logan“, I exclaimed. “People ARE good by nature– they DO want change and they DO want to help! –And to engender collaboration from folks such as Warren is exactly why we sat about to launch the TFT to begin with!”
Although I had not met Warren, I had become immensely rejuvenated by his offer of goodwill toward Logan and our TFT mission– I had become re-inspired and felt a sense of hope at a time when I needed it most.
Upon hearing Logan describe his encounter with Warren, I became evermore determined to step back from the brink of this sadness that I had felt hitherto; I became even MORE motivated to continue this trek because of, and for, the redemptive qualities of compassionate human spirit embodied by people such as Warren. As such, I loaded up Cuz and drove to my happy, healing place in the heart of the Clark State Forest (Henryville, IN) on Saturday (yesterday) afternoon. …It turned out to be a remarkable day!!!
We would like to convey a BIG sincere TFT ‘Thank You’ to Warren, Phil, Vinny, Oslem and EVERYONE along the path of life who demonstrate and exude the attitudes of mind and qualities of spirit that make for radiant living; that make life on this planet worthwhile. We are in awe of your contribution to humanity, toward the betterment of healing and fostering the next higher ideal of what we can achieve and become as a loving, benevolent species.
In closing, I leave you with a couple photos from Cuz’s and my mini-TFT yesterday in Henryville. This is the place where I was raised to appreciate the divinity of nature; the divinity in each of us…I remain inspired, in-spirit, with SO MUCH LOVE in my heart and anticipation for the next chapter of the TFT trail journal.
Until next week, dear TFT community, may your trek in the days ahead lead you to meet such wonderful humans as we’ve encountered along the way thus far.
…and now, here is a pic of one happy dog on the scent of squirrels and dandelions 🙂
Peace be to you, TFT community!
Hello and Happy Saturday, Dear TFT Community! 🙂
Per screen below (see map overview), we are happy to announce that Logan has completed week # 1 on the trail– having trekked ~100 miles from Fort Miles, DE eastward to Bowie, MD.

This map screen shot is not the exact ADT route (because an ADT app for google maps does not yet exist), however, it provides an overview of the starting point, contrasted to where Logan has landed as of this evening.
I spoke with Logan earlier today and his feet were hurting a bit. That, plus the energy and focus it took to hike along a heavily congested urban vehicle route; one that is not conducive to pedestrians and is quite dangerous.
…Logan did some pole planting, in order to pivot himself up the hillside; in places where there was virtually no shoulder and trucks were barreling along.
OH, BTW– If you’d like to follow Logan’s daily trail journal, then bookmark Unitic’s 2015 American Discovery Trail Journal by clicking here: www.trailjournals.com/TrekForTruth
I will post a weekly update here on the TFT Trail Journal at the end of each week on Saturday, whereas Logan will be posting daily updates to the link pasted above.
Here’s a quick rundown of week #1:
We (Logan, Kathryn, Oliver and I) embarked from ‘The Ville” on Friday, April 17, the day of Logan’s 55th birthday.
After establishing bivouac at Tall Pines Campground on Friday ~9pm, Logan and Kathryn set off on the first 10 miles of the ADT ~ 11am the following morning; see map of Fort Miles and ADT post markers:
On Sunday, we saw off Logan ~ 9:30am, as he headed west to Redden Forest where he’d spend night #1 in a driving rain.
On Monday afternoon, Logan had the great fortune of meeting another Trail Angel by the name of Garry. Garry and his wife invited Logan to stay in their playhouse hostel, for which Logan and we are very grateful– THANK YOU,Garry, for your compassion and kindness!
On Wednesday, April 22, Logan arrived in Tuckahoe State Park ~ noon EST and set up camp for the night.
On Thursday, Logan trekked 20 miles against a fairly strong headwind and wicked traffic conditions– the first 20 mile segment of the trip–super job, Logan!!!
As of tonight, April 25, Logan is lodging in Bowie, MD, after some 100 miles into the Trek For Truth, some wicked rain storms, heavy traffic and the good fortune of two trail angels along the way- thanks again Amy and Garry!
Meanwhile, back at HQ, Cuz, Mr. Butters and I hold down the fort and plan logistics for the upcoming mail drop to Harper’s Ferry…stay tuned for more exciting TFT adventure updates soon, same bat time, same bat channel…–see you next week, and thank you for your support!! 🙂
Hello, TFT Community, and happy day to you.
We just returned from an awe-inspiring (and whirlwind ) trip to Delaware for the launch of The Trek For Truth, and wanted to share a quick chronology along with some photos and videos.
Logan, Kathryn, Oliver and I departed Louisville ~8am Friday, April 17, arriving in Lewes, DE ~ 9pm. The drive to DE made for some scintillating conversation and interesting scenery along the way
Oh, BTW- Friday was Logan’s birthday…we celebrated on Saturday evening with a peach pie and candles.
On Saturday morning, we sat off for the inception point of the American Discovery Trail (ADT), which is located within Fort Miles, an interesting historical place in and of itself. …’A’ marks the spot of the trail head.
We were greeted by Trail Angel, Amy, her wonderful sons and their friend, who live nearby and originally met Logan via his Lyme Warrior journey on the Appalachian Trail last year. Here’s a quick video with Amy, who we adore!
Then, Amy took a team photo for us
Next, Logan spoke a few words before the cold waves rushed in…
And then I added my two cents…
Shortly thereafter, Logan and Kathryn set off on the first leg of the trek, embarking from a WWII-era artillery battery on Fort Miles, the start of the ADT. They accomplished 10 miles on Saturday, during which time Oliver and I secured chow for dinner and firewood for the fire pit back at Tall Pines Camp.
On Sunday morning, we bid farewell to Logan at the 10 mile marker where we picked up he and Kat the day before. Here’s a video from there:
Just afterward, Kathryn affixed the official TFT banner to Logan’s backpack with two binder clips and two safety pins (it was windy that day :-))
We gave big hugs and watched Logan set off on the next great adventure – the TFT across the ADT in 2015- let TRUTH prevail!!!
I will be keeping a basic web journal at a website I’ve used for two previous hikes (The Long Trail in 2003 and The Appalachian Trail in 2014). It’s a hiker specific site, but it allows me to keep and publish a record of where I was each day and basic stats such as mileage, start and end locations, etc. My entries there will be brief, and I will post longer updates on the blog on www.trekfortruth.org and on Facebook. I will also post pictures and videos primarily on this website. Here is the link to my TrailJournals.com journal begun on 4/11/15.
www.trailjournals.com – Unitic’s 2015 American Discovery Trail Journal
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.”
- Edward Bernays
These are the opening paragraphs of the 1928 book entitled Propaganda, written by the man considered to be the father of modern Public Relations. Mr. Bernays, nephew to Sigmund Freud, began his career in earnest working for the Woodrow Wilson administration to manufacture public consent for the U.S. entry into WW I (violating the foremost pledge Wilson made during his re-election campaign). After Nazi Germany’s Joseph Goebbels made such effective use of the techniques espoused and applied by Bernays in the US political and corporate arenas, the more politically neutral phrase “public relations” was coined and used in the post WWII world.
The following is an excerpt from an article posted by Michael Snyder in dcclothesline.com from October of 2014:
Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations. These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishinghouses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most Americans don’t even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. Most Americans don’t really seem to care about who owns the media. But they should. The truth is that each of us is deeply influenced by the messages that are constantly being pounded into our heads by the mainstream media. The average American watches 153 hours of television a month. In fact, most Americans begin to feel physically uncomfortable if they go too long without watching or listening to something. Sadly, most Americans have become absolutely addicted to news and entertainment and the ownership of all that news and entertainment that we crave is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands each year.
An interview with former BBC journalist Christopher Bryson, author of the 2004 book, titled “The Fluoride Deception”, examines the background of the fluoridation debate. According to Bryson, research challenging fluoride’s safety was either suppressed or not conducted in the first place. He says fluoridation is a triumph not of medical science but of US government spin. Suffice it to say, “Tobacco Science” did not begin with the tobacco industry. Corporate (agenda driven) science is the rule rather than the exception in most of the science applied in public health programs to this day, all of which have a direct affect on the bottom line of the corporate sector. There is a wealth of information about the corporate agenda behind the propaganda campaign that has led to approximately 67% of the municipal water supplies in the US being adulterated with fluoride. You’ll find the aluminum and atomic energy industries there at the inception of this public deception.
A compelling, fact based presentation by Dr. Russell Blaylock. Dr. Blaylock, a trained neurosurgeon is a very reliable researcher and engaging lecturer. We highly recommend his presentations.