TFT Progress Report #9 – Love, as does truth, always Prevails

Happy Sunday to our beloved TFT Community!  🙂

We hope y’all enjoyed a wonderful Independence Day celebration yesterday and are rounding out your long weekend in a happy space.

I am taking this opportunity to provide a quick update, express gratitude for YOU, our supporters, as well as leave you with some food for thought.

#1 = Update:  As mentioned in the very last TFT progress report #8, Logan is off of the trail for a few days while he recoups and we re-group around the going-forward plan for the next 4000 miles.  Per last update, we met today, July 5, to plot timing for crossing the Rocky Mountains by October (ahead of inclement weather) and plan budgets and logistics for the months to come.

It was a great meeting.  We discussed some ‘philosophical issues’ ahead of getting down to brass tacks.  Also, we were very fortunate to receive guidance from a kindred spirit (an ‘oracle’ of sorts), so that we may consider other factors that influence the months ahead.  To close/summarize the meeting minutes: we remain emboldened in our quest, and with intentions for the very best!   We are ‘onward and upward’, so stay tuned for more details to come.

#2 = Gratitude:  We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service to both our country and humanity as a whole–globally.  Whereas we may sometimes feel overwhelmed and have concerns about ‘how we are going to get there from here’, or even if our mission is for naught, inevitably we find redemption and motivation from YOU.

‘You’ includes the folks that contribute their time, efforts and subject matter expertise for such things as the website (J.P. is the man!), as well as those who have donated operating funds, those in our network who help care for Cuz (love ya B & P, K & mom), along with those in our LES and soul group community who provide moral and spiritual support (C&T, among others).   It also includes the many trail angels and salt-of-the-Earth folks who have so generously provided food, water and shelter to Logan along this road less travelled. Lastly, and not least, it includes our sisters, Leslie and Rebekah, who provide promotional and nurturing support more than they might realize.  🙂

This is, by every means, a collective effort, and every little bit helps.  ‘Rock Soup’ is one of my favorite skits from my days as a cub scout.  It’s a story about a village of people who, individually, did not have enough to eat, yet together– by each contributing what they did have to the community soup pot—ended up having enough soup for everyone.  As I stated in the launch video from Lewes, Delaware, wherein I borrowed a line from the song by The Police, ‘One World’: “We can all sink or we all float, ‘cos we’re all in the same big boat”  ( full lyrics found here: )

Thanks again to everyone for both your material and spiritual support—we appreciate you!   🙂

#3 = Food for thought:  This past week has been a very expansive experience for me personally.   I endured a circuitous business trip that, in and of itself, provides fodder for a short story on the nature of life and a treatise on the topic of synchronicity (more on that later).

Most importantly, I re-found my muse.  Perhaps it has been decades, if not eons (je ne sais pas), since I found the place within myself to achieve the balance necessary for adequately expressing myself—the essence of who and what I AM, which is inexorably linked to what we–all of us–are.

We are the essence of THE ALL THAT IS.  Regardless of one’s religious orientation, spiritual tendency, ethnicity or lineage in all its forms, re-member this:  we breathe the same air; we drink the same water— and we ALL, ultimately, seek for peace and happiness among our species, for it is our immutable and inherent benign nature as Humans, being…

…On that note, in closing, I leave you with two items.  One is the link to Bob Marley’s ‘One Love’, found here:

The other is a poem I wrote in January 2009.  (BTW- I have transposed the poem below the image in case it’s hard to read)  As I said, having re-found my muse, it has been a poetic week’s end, for which I celebrate and bask in the awareness of my I AM presence…

…That which cannot, nor will ever be, separate from ALL of you.  This poem is entitled ‘What We Are’.  It was inspired after a meeting of our Louisville Soul Group, wherein we study A Course In Miracles.

May the empowerment and joy of knowing who and what you are be with you always, in all ways.

what we are

As I am, I AM

The All That Is, As Is

perpetually expanding

to experience the infinite spectrum

of that which I Am not

thereby to know the highest joy

of the wholly eternal love

that I Am

How I know you is true

remembered with me

as the All We Are

which is the all that is

countless thread points

on the outermost fringe

of the divine tapestry

interwoven as THE ONE

Forever increasing capacity

to express love

the all there is

as we are

and so it goes

it is that we be love,




In love and gratitude, may our peace be with you  🙂


TFT Progress Report #8 — Over 1000 miles and feeling GREAT!!!

Happy SUNday, Trekkers for Truth, and welcome to TFT update #8.   I like the number 8; it is the number of infinity.  It’s so much fun being infinite.  One never runs out of things to exBErience  😉

That word just came to me.  I typed ‘be’ and was thinking ‘experience’, hence ‘exberience’.   In addition to my affinity for infinity, I also like fun with words .  In fact, I LOVE words!   Hey- just add the letter ‘L’ and you have worlds of words.  See what I mean?  -Fun!  🙂

Were I not focusing my efforts on being a human rights and happiness advocate, I’d likely be a full-time etymologist with a minor in hermeneutics.  It’s true: I can spend blissful hours perusing the dictionary or thesaurus.  We’ll chat more about words later.  For now, let us move on to the combined report for the period covering June 15-28.

What a past couple of weeks it has been!  More surreal than usual.  But ya know, that’s what makes the ‘exberience’ ever more amusing! 🙂

Let’s begin by announcing some phenomenal progress via the most recent TFT all-time world record set by Logan last week.  Ready?

Logan has surpassed the 1000 mile mark upon entering KY on June 23 !!!

  🙂  Woo-HOOOOOO!  🙂

It so happened to be ‘Truth Tuesday’, and the ever-awesome Luba Williams made a really wonderful poster that Logan posted to his trail journal page.  Check it out–and THANK YOU, Luba!

Truth Tuesday






selfie at serpent mound- June 16




As of June 16, Logan was in West Union, OH, at the cumulative benchmark of 890 miles.   Since he was only a couple hours drive from Louisville, we pulled him off of the trail so that he could co-host the guest speaker event we had arranged with Adam Kokesh on Wednesday, June 17.

Thanks to Logan’s son, Gabe, for making the trip and helping us get him back here for the event.  Thanks also to Jim, Oliver and Jack for helping with AV and set-up; it was a team effort!

We also express much gratitude to everyone who came out in support of Adam’s visit.  Indeed, it was great crowd; there was copious laughter, hugs and smiles throughout the evening.


Gabe’s ADT shuttle service



Adam and Macey are wonderful people.  We admire their tenacity and courage as they make their own trek across America on Adam’s Freedom Campfire Tour.

I gained something profoundly important while listening to Adam talk.  It gave me a perspective that lifted my spirits and attitude, with both a renewed sense of empowerment  and joyfulness.   It relates to one of my favorite passages in his book, FREEDOM: “Happiness Causes Freedom”.

Listening to Adam recount his experiences of incarceration, among other things, I was re-minded that freedom begins with one’s state of mind.  …Actually- with their state of heart.  As he writes: “If we don’t know how to be happy, what’s the point of being free?”

L-R = Logan, Adam, Drew June 17

The joy and mission of TFT is helping others be liberated.  In our mission we are sometimes challenged with assimilating and transmuting dense energies; entities which are rather malevolent. In my experience as a human rights and happiness advocate, it is commonplace to encounter the absolute antithesis of happiness.  It takes much discipline to remain vigilant to ‘the game’, so as not to become seduced into the battle-mind of lower ego densities where they thrive.

When I originally drafted this post, the subject line was “1000 miles and still laughing”.   “Great” rhymes with “8”, so I opted for the rhyme this time.     The point is, both Logan and I sometimes struggle with the aforementioned transmutation; we become worn down and feel that our efforts are futile.  That’s usually when the ‘mind chatter’ sets in, along with unhappy feelings and/or bombardment of extremely negative thoughts.  …Heavy physical fatigue typically onsets as well.

When it gets bad enough, we will hop on a call to compare notes about what we are experiencing. These calls always come about in a synchronous way.  Inevitably, these discussions lead to mutual enLIGHTen-ment, whereupon we end up (literally) belly laughing out loud at a given situation.  As soon as we find the laughter, a redeeming aspect becomes apparent and we are re-calibrated back ‘up’ to the higher octaves.  Even though the topics with which we deal are tragic and often mind-blowing, you reach a point where tears turn to laughter because it’s just that darn ludicrous.  (…note to self:  ease back on the open source event correlation analysis for a few days…hahahahaha)

Maybe that’s why Kurt Vonnegut is my all-time favorite satirist.  He had a way of taking really dark topic matter (things such as war, trans-humanism, geoengineering etc.) and crafting a story that leads one to observe the lunacy, but in a nonthreatening way.  He created awareness without ‘preaching’; he demonstrated how to be empowered by observing the utter folly in the foibles of man.  …He found the humor in the seeming chaos and made us laugh about it.  God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut.

This post was originally drafted for release on June 21, the summer solstice, and six months after the historic TFT launch meeting that Logan and I held on December 21, 2014 (winter solstice).  I sometimes have ‘a thing’ about symmetry; I also observe the solstices with devoted eagerness.  For me, they are pivotal balancing points.   June 21 was also Father’s day, and I was feeling introspective, if not a bit melancholy.  I pondered the legacy I’d leave my children, were I no longer here.  I awoke that day thinking about the ways I wish I was a better father, and a better person overall.

I tried to write, to be at the laptop, but it was making me physically ill.  (I have increasingly less tolerance for electronic devices and EMFs).   As much as I felt a tremendous sense of obligation to complete the report; to celebrate the build up to Logan’s 1000 mile marker, alas, I simply struggled to execute.  At that juncture, (i.e., a moment of in-congruence and conflict) I did what I so often do:  I invoke The Holy Instant; I listened to Steve Judd’s latest report; I re-read the latest Oracle Report.  …Daily, weekly and monthly, I find inspiring answers and the most salient, accurate guidance in The Oracle Report.  Sure enough (as usual) my prompt was found in the Friday report of June 19 — get outside and be with nature.  BTW– archives found here: Oracle Report Archives

So I did !  🙂

Turtle whisperer


I called the marina at Taylorsville lake at 7:50 am and reserved a john boat.  Ollie and I spent the day on the water, exploring coves, swimming, playing with turtles and having a great time.

lunch break



Beauty of life




a corner cove

On the drive home that afternoon, out of the blue, Ollie-bear started asking me questions about the things Adam had spoken of.  “…why can’t you dance in Washington, D.C.; why do we pay so much taxes; why doesn’t the government like it when you all talk about certain things if they are true; when will I be old enough to drive across the country like Adam…”

I looked at him with a big grin, somewhat in amazement of his inquisitive mind and attentiveness.  At first I began to chuckle.  The chuckle became one of those kind that you cannot stop- like the giggles. The giggles snowballed into a roaring laugh- I had tears of laughter in my eyes as I was banging my hand on the steering wheel to catch my breath.  He kept asking me, “what’s so funny; why are you laughing?”

…Because, Oliver, you made me feel happy.  I was laughing with joy.  From the inquisitive minds of babes, life springs eternal.  To consider that my youngest son might some day become an anarchist, well, it just made me so proud…I had no further concerns about my legacy.

Nor am I concerned about our collective ability to complete this trek while bringing more joy to the world in the process.  We are humans being in the epoch of the second renaissance, and we know it. It’s why we are here.  As extensions of divinity- The All That Is- our expressions of love cannot be diminished.  We are exponentially creative spiritual beings having the experience of human form on this dimensional plane, for the purpose of anchoring heaven on earth.  –And it shall be done because we have already imagined that IT IS POSSIBLE!!!  As it is our essential nature to live an abundant joy-filled life- so be it – because we can!

Logan hiked almost 100 miles in the past 72 hours.  He arrived in corn patch Indiana, a little place called Chelsea, this afternoon at 4:00 pm.  It’s about 20 minutes from where I grew up (Austin, IN). Cuz and I loaded up and drove north to extract Logan from the trail; we took my mom to dinner before arriving back in The Ville a couple hours ago.

a boy and his dog – pick-up in Chelsea June 28

As we approached Logan’s sister’s home (Hi Les!), we spoke of remaining undeterred in our mission to alleviate pain, lack and suffering in all its forms, by continuing to hold the space for light and laughter…to forge ahead and find the humor in the folly of attacks against our species.

We meet again on July 5 to map the plan for the next 4000 miles of this odyssey, and at the same place we met on December 21 when the launch charter was finalized.  …Gosh.  I will never forget that day of the winter solstice 2014.  I was absolutely charged and frenetic about our prospects for success.  I was filled with eager anticipation for  the adventure to launch in the spring.  I didnt want that day to end.  I was entranced by the sun…it was so remarkable that day as I watched it set on the drive back home…

I am grateful that Logan will have a ‘zero’ week ahead.  He needs time to rest and recuperate, and we also can use this time to generate some media attention.

In closing, I leave you with something to ponder; with something to try the next time you feel sad, frustrated or overwhelmed and seek to pull yourself out of the doldrums:  Think of just one thing that makes you happy.  It might be a creative pursuit, an outdoor activity, a person, place or thing.  Whatever it is, just pause and think of it.  Then, upon feeling that happiness inside, ask yourself, “what is it that I like about this…what is it about this person/place/thing that makes me happy?”

When the answer comes to you, then ask the same question again about the answer, and so on and so forth…keep exploring what makes you happy, and see how your day unfolds from there.

In elevating our vibration to a state of joy, we become more prone to elevate the vibration of those around us.  The more this pool of joy – this circle of light- increases, so does it arise the vibration of our mother planet and all her species thereupon.  That’s a nice thought 🙂

Here is the photo I took of the sun on December 21, just before it sank below the horizon.  It made me happy to realize that as ‘my’ sun set, so was it also rising for someone else around the globe.

Sunset 12-21-14

Until next time, happy campers, our peace and love be unto you,


P.S.– as always, we encourage you to pass this along to your family, friends and neighbors.  It’s not addictive and it’ll make you look cool.  🙂  Links below…

Trek For Truth Homepage =

FaceBook =

YouTube =

All of these links are found immediately on our home page to the right side

Also recall that Logan maintains a daily trail journal on Trail, if you’d like to see additional commentary and/or photos of the day-to-day journey, then go to this link:  Unitic Daily Trail Journal

Doctor Jeff Bradstreet – may he rest in peace (important video enclosed)

As I compose this post, it is Saturday, June 27; 6:44 pm EST.   I’ve had a really good day because time has slowed down a bit.  Much like the sensation described by people who have been a car wreck.

I was in a bad car wreck in 1983; was ‘T-boned’ at an intersection by a drunk driver who had a very large Ford, whereas I was in a very small car.  As the glass broke and the vehicle spun around, it was absolutely remarkable how sight and sound went into slow motion.  It was as though I was an astronaut floating ever so slowly in a space capsule, and the contents of the vehicle, the shards of glass, metal and I were momentarily ‘suspended’.  What actually was less than two seconds of impact seemed much longer–and EVERY sense was heightened beyond description.

The past two weeks have been like that car wreck.  I have been observing so much transpire in the world–yet from a place of extremely grounded objectivity–such that I can see the script while watching the play (so to speak).

This sensation of living in slow motion is accompanied by heightened intuition, as well as lucid dreams, wherein I am given lessons.  –But I digress.

All of the latest Kabuki (i.e., contrived and elaborate theater) commenced a couple of days before the church shooting in South Carolina on June 17.

I had been closely observing the machinations of our legislative branch as they fast-tracked the vote to broaden executive powers, so that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could be approved withOUT having the contents revealed or be open for debates and amendments.  More here:

In a moment of distinct clarity, I ‘felt it’ and said to myself:  “…Hmmmm, I sense a major sensational news event about to break…I wonder what will happen to distract everyone from this latest chicanery on Capital Hill…?”

Sure enough.  Another formulaic ‘lone-crazed-gunman’ event which was quickly exacerbated by the lamestream media.  Instead of providing root cause analysis and/or investigative journalism surrounding the bizarre patterns and commonalities of ‘crazed gunman’ events of the past 10 years (i.e., that are so eerily similar), the media followed its predictable full-tilt methods of hyping division between race.

I am so very, very sorry for those folks at the church and their families.  It is extremely tragic and my prayers are with them all.  This event is indeed saddening.   Let us, then, truly seek to honor the victims by being vigilant to observe the derivatives of resulting race hysteria that was spun up by the oligarchy-controlled media.

One such derivative is what I’ll call ‘Flag-steria’ — the diversion of attention toward division of our people, the human beings, be they black, red, yellow, white or anything else.    Instead of focusing on the root cause or investigating what this event has in common with other similar events of the recent past, all guns (no pun intended) were instead directed toward the abolition of the confederate battle flag.  Major media ‘Flag-steria’ ensued.  From the state capital of SC to Walmart and Apple, suddenly everyone became hyper-sensitive toward abolishing this flag.

Apple issued the following statement: “We have removed apps from the App Store that use the Confederate flag in offensive or mean-spirited ways, which is in violation of our guidelines. We are not removing apps that display the Confederate flag for educational or historical uses.

One must ask:  If they (the state of SC and all of these major corporations) found it so offensive, polarizing and divisive, why didn’t they ban it before now???   ..And does the abolition of the flag actually have impact on preventing future-such events or the mentality of crazed gunmen?   Furthermore, why aren’t they doing same about the swastika flag, nor any other flag that might be associated with offense toward any racial set?

Look–let’s get real clear, real fast:  I could care less about the battle flag.  I don’t own one, never have, and never will.  I really, truly, could care less about this flag.

What I DO care about (i.e., what is MOST alarming) is the utter and COMPLETE hypocrisy of the media, corporations and govern-ment who spin up furry and division around an event (albeit a tragic one) then follow it by creating more hysteria around a flag as the implied causative impetus — whereas and hitherto — THEY HAVE BEEN TOTALLY VACANT ON REPORTING THE OTHER NEWS AFFECTING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS TO A MUCH BROADER EXTENT, and OVER AN EXTREMELY LONGER PERIOD OF TIME!!!

Another question:  If it was a known fact that there existed a conspiracy to debilitate and/or kill hundreds and thousands of African-Americans, wouldn’t you expect the media to report it and draw much attention to it; at least as much as the SC church shooting?    Further:  If they did not, would it not make you wonder why?

Well, folks, this is why we at TFT are here.  To point out the blatantly obvious and draw your attention to the proverbial ‘man behind the curtain’.  Yup– that man.  A.K.A.- “The man”.  The one that seeks to focus you on the sensationalism du jour, in order to de-focus you from scrutinizing the real and broader news affecting (i.e., killing and debilitating) hundreds, thousands and millions by their hand.

This brings me to the subject line of this post:  The highly suspicious death of a good man who sought to aid and protect both African-Americans and others against a known (and ongoing) attempt to bring harm to them on a massive, mind-boggling scale.  This man, Doctor Jeff Bradstreet, was found dead Friday June 19.  The national and local media coverage is HIGHLY suspect because they publish his death as a suicide, even though no official coroners report had yet been filed.  This is just the first thing that makes one go, “Hmmmmmm?”

Here’s a lamestream media link which provides an example of how they use certain words in their headline to immediately lead one to erroneous assumptions :

But wait- there’s more!

In just a couple of clicks and web searches, I found another article.  …Interesting how the headline changes from “controversial autism researcher commits suicide” to “Famous Autism researcher and Doctor, Jeff Bradstreet MD died of alleged “self inflicted gunshot wound” to chest”.

What’s even MORE interesting is that this article (unlike the one’s posted by NBC, CBS and Gwinnett news) contains links to the real dirt on the KNOWN and PROVEN cover-up, which simply has not garnered one iota of the coverage provided to us, such as they have exerted with ‘Flag-steria’.

Check out THIS link and the links within this article regarding the email evidence of the subversion of justice:

email link:

Scratching your head yet?  Anything smell fishy in Denmark?  Wonder why folks are not as pissed about this as they are about he shooting in SC?


…Wait…I should state that it’s not only African-Americans, but all others as well.  They are ‘equal opportunity eugenicist‘  (That’d be a funny one-liner if weren’t so true)

Hello?  Is this microphone on?  Can ya hear me yet, folks?   Ever heard of Doctor William Thompson?   Well- have you?

If not- WHY NOT?  If you have heard of the shooting in SC that took the lives of several people, then why have you not heard of the news regarding the atrocity and cover-up affecting hundreds of thousands???

That’s a trick question.  Answer = BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW, and WHICH IS WHY THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA DOESN’T GIVE IT ANY ATTENTION!!!   …It’s lots easier to get people fired up about a flag, with the inference that a flag has some impetus for inciting a lunatic to shoot-up a church congregation.

Here’s a link to news about Dr. Thompson:

To where does this post and all the rest of this lead, you might ask?

Let me take it back to the beginning and the reference to the car wreck in slow-mo…

Logan recorded a video before the SC church shooting; it was posted to our YouTube channel, ironically, on June 19.  He recorded it a few days before.   I consider this to be one of the most awesome videos he’s done; I hope you enjoy it too.

In this video he speaks of Dr. Thompson and makes specific reference to the tragedy and known conspiracy to cover up the heinous crime committed by big pharma, in collusion with our ‘govern-ment’, against African-Americans and the broader population.   He speaks the truth that goes unreported by the lamestream media, for they are far, FAR too busy filling the airwaves with other bullshit upon which they prefer for you to focus.

If you want to know where all of this leads, the answer is:  YOUR doorstep.

I use to get angry, frustrated and utterly beside myself when researching such material/topic matter.  Anymore and henceforth, I choose to laugh and smile at the Kabuki.  I choose to alleviate the evil powers that were (A.K.A. the passe archon influence) by, quite simply, observing their charade and desperate attempts for what it is:  a charade of desperation.

It is ‘game over’ for them and they know it.  We can usher out their malevolence, to be replaced with the divine benevolence that WE ARE as loving human beings who choose life.  In our way, here at TFT, we do so by bringing LIGHT to the situation.

“God is found in the laughter”, as I’ve heard Carmen say so many times… let us, then, join hands in unity and laugh at the folly of evil, knowing it is not real.  The only thing real is that which is eternal—and the only thing eternal is LOVE.

Now, a word from Logan:

My peace and the love of a united humanity be with you,

-Drew 🙂








TFT Progress Report — #7 (combined report for two weeks; June 01-14 )

Happy and peace-filled day to you, our cherished TFT Community! 🙂

We are excited to publish yet another progress report, as the past couple of weeks are replete with miracles, new all-time records, photos, some videos, and lots of other content posted to our various media outlets.    …Whereas we’d prefer to post this update weekly, sometimes ‘life happens’, so we combine two weeks into one report.  Such is the case this for progress report #7, which covers the two-week period from June 1 through June 14th.

Before we delve in to the report #7 , we have a couple housekeeping items to remind everyone:

1)   PLEASE take 60 seconds to: subscribe to our YouTube channel (and ‘like’ our videos), friend us on our FaceBook Page (and forward to others), lastly (and MOST IMPORTANTLY): pass along our weblink to those you know and ask them to subscribe by entering their email on the home page, in order to receive email notifications of these updates!   Here are the links:

a) YouTube =

b) FaceBook =

c) Trek For Truth Homepage =

All of this can be found immediately on our home page to the right side– here’s a screenshot:

screenshot for subscribing

2)   Reminder that Logan maintains a daily trail journal on Trail, if you’d like to see additional commentary and/or photos of the day-to-day journey, then go to this link:

Okey dokey??  …May we count on you to help promote our efforts by subscribing, liking and passing along our links to others?   It literally takes a couple minutes; it helps us tremendously; we GREATLY appreciate anything you can do to help us broaden our TFT community.   THANK YOU in advance.

…And now– On With The Progress Update for June 1–14!!!

When last we reported on May 31, Logan was departing Parkersburg, WV, and crossing the bridge into Belpre, OH for the Ohio segment of the American Discovery Trail (ADT).   He has covered a LOT of terrain over the past two weeks!  As I type this update at 11:11am EST June 14, he is just past Sinking Springs, OH ; he will reach West Union, OH by Tuesday evening.  Here’s what the ADT route looks like through Ohio:


Click here


***SPECIAL EVENT NOTE:  we are extracting Logan from the trail on Tuesday June 16th, to bring him back to Louisville so that he may participate in a VERY special TFT guest speaker event with Adam Kokesh on Wednesday, June 17.  See the event update on our blog post yesterday and PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!***

I usually try to present these updates in a chronological fashion; to summarize the day-by-day in order of occurrence and related benchmarks along the way.  I decided to start this report by inserting an entry and photo directly from Logan’s trail journal, Monday June 1, 2015:

Trail Angel Doug in Chesterhill OH

Hit the trail at 7:45am and enjoyed quiet country roads all morning. Was a bit worried about water situation as I was already a bit dehydrated and almost out of water. As I walked through Vincent, I was greeted by Doug who was having a cup of coffee and a smoke before work. Bam…he immediately offered water and added coffee, a banana and trail snacks…thanks Doug! His dog Baxter kept me company while he filled my water bottles…what a great start to the day.


Thank you, Doug, for being such a generous and kind human being–  Thumbs up! 🙂

Trail Angel Maggie & her dog Jenna


Logan made comment on Tuesday that the Ohio trail segment (thus far) was like “West Virginia 2.0…except Ohio required some bushwhacking through heavy undergrowth and unmaintained trails.  It was upon reaching Burr Oak Park that Logan encountered his next trail angel of the week, Maggie.  Maggie and her husband own an orchard and they topped off Logan’s water supply–Thanks Maggie!

By Wednesday, June 3, Logan had reached Trimble Wildlife area, whereupon he was grateful to start his day with some fresh coffee, courtesy of trail Angels Sherry and Ron.  Little did he know that there was even worse trail to come, with heavier briars, stinging nettle and plenty-o-spiderwebs in the face.

Trail Angel Ron

Trail Angel Sherry

By Wednesday, June 3, Logan had reached Trimble Wildlife area, whereupon he was grateful to start his day with some fresh coffee, courtesy of trail Angels Sherry and Ron.

Bramble Knees

Little did he know that there was even worse trail to come, with heavier briars, stinging nettle and plenty-o-spiderwebs in the face.

As Logan commented in the journal, one has to take the good with the bad, and it could have been worse if he’d gotten way of trail and had to loop-back through the same brambles.

Fortunately, it got worse, for he did get off trail in the Trimble Wildlife area, which threw him behind schedule of reaching Murray City, OH as planned.

Wait- why is this ‘fortunate’, you might ask?  …Well, you have to know the Logan truism about getting lost.  It means that he is most likely, thereafter, to meet someone special– and he did!  …Actually, he met three very special folks later that day; three more trail angels who sparked the theme of the videos entitled “Synchronicity, Soul Connections & Trail Magic

The first, and next trail angel he met was Hershel.  Hershel, a Vietnam veteran,  provided water and a video interview that can be found on our FaceBook page here:

Trail Angel Hershel in Murray City OH

..I couldn’t copy the video from FB, so here’s a photo of Hershel.

A few miles later, Logan encountered a big threatening dog, upon which his owner called back the dog and invited Logan to have a cold drink.  Thereupon, he met Bobbie and Misty, which resulted in a wonderful visit and two hours of scintillating conversation that made the trail diversion more than worthwhile.

It’s like our teacher Carmen always says:  “…it’s all in divine order, dear…it’s all in divine order..”  🙂  –And she’s right, it always is.    Check out these two videos, and I hope you enjoy both the message and synchronicity, as did I.

And here is part 2:

As of Sunday, June 7, Logan was departing The Inn Towner Motel (located in in Logan, OH, BTW); starting segment 4 of the Ohio trail and headed for Hocking Hills state park.  He had just eclipsed 720 cumulative miles and was excited about the mail drop we’d coordinated– to provide him a pair of replacement shoes!

Ash Cave in Hocking Hills

Well, the mail drop worked out in that the package arrived at the state park office in time.  On  Monday night, however, he hit a bit of a snag. Actually, more than a bit…  He made a video about it, which can be found on our FB page.  He had an encounter with a park officer that resulted in having to break camp at midnight and hike in the pitch dark to find a place to re-pitch off park property.

Evidently, one is not allowed to be in the park after dark, unless at a camp-sight (sights were located 8 miles away from the trail), thus resulting in a hefty fine of $135.  Ughhhhh!!! 🙁

This incident might not have been so demoralizing, had it not been for the torrential downpour that night.    Suffice to say, Logan was fairly pissed about it at the time.

A couple days later when I spoke with him, I was totally amazed by his grace and change of attitude.  He’d spent about 30 minutes talking to the officer about the perils of Lyme disease that night; he provided coaching/advice on ways to protect against tick-borne illness.  As he recounted to me when we spoke a couple days later: “ya know…the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was probably a good thing to meet that park officer.  She didn’t know much of anything about ticks and Lyme disease, and now she does…maybe this knowledge will be of help to her and others in her line of work…”

Although his attitude about the incident was better a couple days later, he was still fuming on Tuesday.  Turns out, he channeled that ire into an all-time new record day…wait for it….

He hiked 26.50 miles on Tuesday and surpassed 760 cumulative miles that day –Whewwwwee!!!

I, for one, can’t imagine walking 6.5 miles right now, much less 26.5– way to hike, Logan!

As of Friday, June 12, he is 8 weeks and 827 cumulative miles on the Trek For Truth journey.  Most recently, he met some other very nice and interesting folks, including Mr. and Mrs. Mackie, Carey, and Patty who owns a local general store.

We’d like to give another big ‘TFT Thank you’ to trail angels Carey and his mom, who provided some ice water and directions along the way.

Patty has home schooled her 10 children (ages 10-30), and she is starting a blog called “Grown-up Conversations” emphasizing real discourse and critical thinking on important topics.

Mr. and Mrs. Mackie

Trail Angel Carey


Patty at her general store

This brings us to latest entry from Logan’s trail journal, Saturday June 13; he is located just east of Davis Memorial and sits at 849 miles:

Starting to run on fumes…7th of 10 consecutive days averaging 20+ per day. No motel options near the trail. Just found out today I will go home for a couple off days next week. Drew and I were able to confirm that Adam Kokesh will make a stop in Louisville on 6/17 on his American Freedom Campfire Tour. My son Gabe will pick me up Tuesday evening and bring me back thurs or fri.”

 Hang in there, Logan!  You’ll get a shower soon; just a couple more days and you will have set another record for longest stint without a shower (…gotta find the humor, brother – God is found in the laughter)  🙂

Meanwhile, back at HQ, this past week involved some work-related travel for me. That plus my mom was in need of some help with getting her yard cleaned up at her Bed & Breakfast, where she resides.  So, Oliver and Cuz spent the week at ‘Gammie’s’ home.

Cuz was king at the Carousel Inn

Speaking of man’s best friend, I simply cannot close this update without sending a MAJOR Kudos, salute and ‘Thank you’ to our dear friend, Janet Rowland, for the event that she and others coordinated on Saturday–it was remarkable!

Janet has helped tremendously to spearhead a group called UNITED Against Dog-Fighting.

Sadly, our state of Kentucky is the only state that has NOT (yet) made it illegal to own, posses, breed, train, sell or transfer dogs or their offspring for the purpose of blood sport- for fighting other animals.  …Such a sad commentary on the state of our beloved Kentucky when such heinous, disastrous and sickening blood sports are allowed to continue–due in no small part to several myopic state representatives who are cajoled by special interest groups with direct ties to (and influenced by) Corp Agriculture lobbyist.

Say what?  Factory farming (a.k.a. Corp Agriculture or ‘Corp Ag’) is somehow involved with stymieing and impeding legislation that would make dog-fighting illegal???   It sounds twisted –because it is.

I learned so much at the event about how state legislation REALLY works.  Janet and team did an absolutely phenomenal job of presenting resource material, facilitating the meeting and coordinating subject matter experts to speak– plus the food and refreshments were great too 🙂 …I wish I could have stayed until KY House Speaker Greg Stumbo arrived, but I had an appointment that I couldn’t miss.

Janet is such a brilliant, compassionate and loving person…I was so VERY impressed by the event she co-hosted.  All of her and others outstanding efforts to bring an end to this horrible, tragic crime against life is commendable.  Special thanks also to Lisa and Rick Schardein, co-hosts and owners of Current 360 ( ) and studio NuLu for donating their studio to host the event.

Here’s the logo and a link if you care to help:

united against dog fighting

 With that, I am going to end this report with a really short video called “Lil’ Peeps”, along with a simple message…

…May we be always re-minded to real-ize the sanctity and beauty of life, in all its forms and sizes. May we seek to hold an awareness of the infinite number of possibilities in each magical moment of life and throughout nature, for all species, on this miraculous planet we share.
Until next time, our peace and the benign spirit of goodwill and freedom be with you.  Happy trails…



TFT Guest Speaker Event – Adam Kokesh visits Louisville – June 17, 2015

Here ye, hear ye TFT Community– Late breaking special announcement!

We invite everyone to join us on Wednesday, June 17  2015 from 7-9 pm for an exciting evening with Adam Kokesh!!!



That’s right!   Adam’s Campfire Freedom Tour is swinging through ‘The Ville’ for a one-night-only special TFT guest appearance  event at The Clifton Center (see venue note*).



We are extremely excited for the opportunity to host Adam and help him promote his book FREEDOM!     visit:

This event is FREE –so bring a friend or two or three!!!

Copies of Adam’s book FREEDOM! (and stickers, mind you) will be given to attendees for FREE!


Double bonus:  We are extracting Logan from the Trek Trail, as he is presently (and most fortuitously) only a couple hundred miles from Louisville–so you’ll get a chance to see Logan and hear about his adventures on the trail thus far.


This is an immediate CALL TO ACTION and our enthusiastic invitation for YOU to join us at what promises to be a fun, enlightening and informational event to hear about and discuss critical issues affecting us, our nation, our planet and species as a whole–PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!

About Adam:

Adam Kokesh joined the US Marines at age 17 and volunteered for combat duty in Iraq in 2004. This critical experience showed him that war is a racket and led him to deeply question his most cherished statist beliefs. He first rose to fame as an anti-war activist before branching out into other areas, often taking action too risky for other activists. In 2010, he became an independent journalist as ADAM VS THE MAN. He has been arrested and gone to jail dozens of times standing up for his convictions. He began writing FREEDOM! while caged in Washington, DC. While he has inspired millions with his speeches, videos, and civil disobedience, his greatest contribution to the cause of freedom is the concept of localization as a way to overcome statism and achieving a free world. To learn more, please go to

*Meeting Place: If the meeting venue changes we will update this page immediately, otherwise, we plan to host this event at The Clifton Center, 2117 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206.,-85.707049,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xe236ac1a0b833c06

Clifton ctr map







TFT Progress Report #6 – Here we go into O-HI-OOOO!!! :-)

Happy Sunnyday, our most cherished TFT Community!

Are ya ready for another exciting exciting installment of truth and trekking?  …Well, we hope you enjoy this week’s video-intensive report, along with the trail updates and a special announcement about our intentions for an upcoming film project.

As always, I like to remind everyone that Logan maintains a daily trail journal on Trail, if you’d like to see additional commentary and/or photos of the day-to-day journey:  Also, all of the videos can be found on our YouTube channel here:

Okay then, happy campers, drop your packs, pull up a stump, and let’s get to the report for the period covering May 25-30!

When last we left off, Logan was in Bridgeport, West Virginia and had just eclipsed the 500 cumulative mile mark.  Our next objective was to make a mail-drop in Pennsboro, WVA by Wednesday, May 27 (mission accomplished, BTW), and then make Parkersburg, WVA by Friday evening, May 29th (check mark on that milestone as well).

NOTE: Due to the logistical lag time for when Logan can ship me the SIM cards to download videos, it is usually the case that I receive and post the videos a week to ten days after he records them.

That said, here is a short and scenic video of the Tygart River Valley area from May 22.  In it, Logan talks about how we might bring about positive change by striving to embody more of our higher selves- by aligning more with our divine nature:


Beginning of North Bend Rail Trail on May 25

Beginning of North Bend Rail Trail May 25

He sat off for Segment 1 of the Ohio American Discovery Trail this morning, Sunday May 31st, hence the ‘O-Hi-O’ reference in the subject line, having crossed into Ohio from WVA today.

A week ago today he posted a really good entry on Trail Journals (that entry found here:, in which he broached the topic of freedom, and made first mention of the concept for the film project.

With that, here is the video he made about said topic:

By Wednesday, May 27, Logan was at the West Union Campsite, having logged cumulative mile 567–whew!   You know what I always say: nothing like two trees and a tarp after a 20+ mile day 🙂  …that was sarcasm, BTW…  But seriously, as mentioned in his journal entry, it was better than camping beneath a piece of earth moving equipment as he did the night before trekking toward Bridgeport.

West Union Campsite May 27

It was on Wednesday May 20, exactly one week prior to West Union, that Logan recorded a two-part video, “Warrior Wednesday”.  In part 1 he mentions Luba, who conceived Warrior Wednesday, along with other great folks that he met along the trail in West VA.  In Part 2, he mentions the Freedom Campfire Tour being executed by a fellow former Marine, Adam Kokesh.  (Adam’s website found here: ).  …We HIGHLY recommend the free book that Adam has published, which can be downloaded as print or audio on his website.  Here are the Warrior Wednesday videos, parts 1 & 2:

On Thursday, May 28, Logan logged a new record–an unbelievable 24.50 miles– putting him at cumulative trip mile 591.50, and 450 miles logged over the preceding 4 weeks!!!

Heel Thyself !

By he time he reached Parkersburg, WVA on Friday, May 29th, he was in dire need of a break.

He accumulated some wicked-bad blistering on his heels over the previous days of rounding out the last segment of the West VA portion of the trail- ouch! 🙁


…So, I’m talking to Logan on the phone Friday night (night before last) when he arrived in Parkersburg.  We had secured a Hampton Inn with the original plan that he’d step into Ohio on Saturday, after one night’s stay.  I could tell by his voice that he was SPENT; that he needed a break, and especially considering the condition his heels were in, with blisters on blisters.

To know Logan is to know someone who lives with austerity and what might be perceived as a sense of guilt for indulging or taking it easy (i.e., giving himself a reasonable and much-deserved break).  I practically had to plead with him to take the extra night off to recuperate.  He finally relented and agreed, which was the smart thing to do, so to not further exacerbate the wounds.

My point of mentioning this goes to a much broader topic; one which I will only briefly touch on here.  …It has to do with the matter of being of service.  …Of making sacrifice to achieve a cause that one recognizes or deems as being far bigger than one’s own self (i.e., own self-interest).

–Wait–please don’t misinterpret my words, for I am not talking about self-sacrifice that is akin to altruistic martyrdom.  As a big fan of Ayn Rand’s philosophies, I agree with her that altruism becomes a negative trait to the extent that affects one’s own well-being.  I do not, however, fully subscribe to her view that “the ultimate moral value for each individual is his or her own well-being”.

Rather, it has become my experience that when I seek to be of service to my fellow humans, the universe inevitably provides for me all that I truly need, even during those times when it seems or feels like I have nothing left to give.  Furthermore, what has become true for me can be summed up in a quote from Jed Clampett.  I heard it in the episode named ‘The Clampett Look’:  “There’s no better feeling than the joy that comes from giving”   🙂

I am mentioning all of this because yesterday was somewhat of an inflection point.  For both Logan and me.  In fact, it was a hard day and we were both a bit spent from both a physical and morale perspective.

He was lamenting to me (and I’m paraphrasing here) “is all of this TFT effort worth it; can we really make a difference, or are we just pissing in ocean with hopes of raising the barometric pressure?'”

In turn, I was telling him about my visit on Friday night with our dear teachers, Carmen and Tom, as I too had reached a point of saturation (spiritual exhaustion) and sought their always-miraculous and healing counsel.  Additionally, I attended the funeral of my Godfather, John Benton yesterday morning…

John was an Army green beret in Vietnam; a decorated veteran who devoted the latter portion of his life in service to those less fortunate in our Louisville community.  During the funeral mass, the whole eulogy for John was about ‘service’, and how much he was known for serving and assisting others in need.  The only thing I didn’t enjoy was the burial–when they played taps and folded the flag to present to John’s wife, Patricia.

As I explained to Logan, I get very emotional whenever I hear taps…it causes me to have memories that lead to feelings of being betrayed.

This feeling (anger) of betrayal stems from the deep frustration I harbor, that so many men and women have given their lives in the service of our nation, but alas they did so in vain.  I comprehend that their intentions were good and they fully believed that in taking the oath to serve (and potentially die) for our country they were doing the right and best thing.

HOWEVER, I also know that war is a racket– perhaps the ultimate scam.  It is a scam devised by the globalist cabal and it is a complete aberration of true human spirit.  It is not our human nature to kill, maim and mutilate each other.   It is, however, the nature and tactic of the dark abomination to foment wars and divisiveness in all its forms.

It takes very little research to figure out how and WHO profits from war…to ascertain how insultingly perverse are the ‘history’ books with which we are programmed in our school systems.  –Oh- it’s a friggin ‘system’ for sure.   …How many of you actually still believe that ‘the war to end all wars’ (WWI) was sparked by the assassination of archduke Ferdinand?

In any case:  The TRUTH is coming out more and more EVERY SINGLE DAY, and we can be a catalyst for ushering in this new epoch of enlightenment, whereupon we find redemption and peace in the true and loving nature of our human species.

And that’s where Logan and I concluded our conversation.  We concluded by re-committing to double down on the TFT and ‘Turn that frown upside down!” 🙂    Being true makes us happy, and happy will shall forever be in our sovereignty!

Uncle Nick and me

Uncle Nick and me

As always, we like to end these updates on a positive note, so I leave you with three photos.


The first is my Uncle Nick and me.  He too is a veteran, and someone who I love and admire.  I had the chance to see him at John’s funeral.  My aunts always exclaim “you look like your daddy and have the mannerisms of ‘Buddy'” (‘Buddy’ is Uncle Nick’s nickname).





Cuz and Mr. Butters takin’ a break


The next photo is back at HQ, where we evidently run a union shop that mandates breaks for sunbathing.  This is Mr. Butters and Cuz sprawled on my office floor yesterday afternoon.




Departing Parkersburg May 31


The last photo is taken this morning as Logan departed Parkersburg and the great folks at the Hampton Inn, before walking across the bridge into Ohio.






Until next week, dear TFT Community, may the light of truth shine brightly on our paths toward peace!

–Our peace be with you! 🙂




TFT Progress Report — Week #5 …another record week on the seek!

Hello again, ye TFT seekers of truth, justice and the happy human way!

Welcome to TFT Progress Report #5, for the period covering May 18-24.  It has been another record-setting week, in that Logan has accomplished the 500 cumulative mile mark as of Saturday, 5-24-15.   WAY TO TREK, LOGAN!!!   He also logged 23 miles on Thursday, 5-21-15, an all-time daily record thus far.  Not bad, considering that for six hours and 18 miles it was in a driving rainstorm.

Having departed Davis, WV (Canaan valley) a week ago, he’s passing through Clarksburg, WV later today (Monday, 5-25-15).  Whereas most of America is on Memorial Day Holiday today, Logan presses onward, soon to complete Segment 3 of the WV ADT.

Pennsboro, WV PO – new socks and hammock hardware awaits!

The next immediate objective is to reach Pennsboro, WV post office by Wednesday, May 27.

There awaits a drop box with a re-supply of Whoopie Slings for the hammock and other trekking necessities, including socks to replace the last pair he has worn through.

BTW- a quick shout out to Shane at Butt In A Sling; he helped expedite the shipment of Whoopie slings, toggles and carabineers so that we could make the mail drop in time for this Wednesday.  Here’s Shane’s website:

From there, Logan will be “just” a couple days away from completing segment 4 of the WV ADT, landing him in Parkersburg, WV Friday evening, 5-29-15.

Then, on Saturday, 5-30-15, he will  cross the bridge out of West Virginia to begin ADT Segment 1 in Ohio.  So, to provide some perspective on where he has been, where he is now, and where he is next headed, here is a map to help illustrate (*note: this is not the ADT trail specifically, but close to it):

Perspective map as of 5-25-15 – click on map for clearer view

I’m not sure how he does it, but somehow between trekking all day almost everyday, he also produces written updates on the Trail Journals site (found here:    This is a GREAT website for those who’d like to see more photos and read more detail of the day-to-day journey.

I received the SIM card from Logan in the mail a couple days ago, on which was recorded a two-part video about some of the interesting experiences and folks he encountered during segments 1 & 2 of the West Virginia trail.    Following are two short videos; Trail Angels WV Parts 1 & 2:

BTW/Reminder:  All of the TFT Video updates are found on the TFT YouTube channel here:

Speaking again of the Trail Journal entries, I was particularly touched by an entry he posted on May 16, after hitting a snag near Red Creek, which we mentioned in the last TFT progress report.  That was when he expected to secure water at gas station in a really rural area (Streby), only to find upon arrival that the station had been closed for two years.

Thereupon, he encountered a kindly young man and spontaneous Trail Angel by the name of Matthew.

Trail Angel Matthew

Trail Angel Matthew

Again, I, for one, am humbled to the point of tears to learn of such compassionate people as Matthew and his mother.  They live in a trailer with no electricity, subsiding by the grace of God, yet would give the shirt off of their back to a passing stranger in need (in this case, Logan).

Here is the link directly to Logan’s journal entry for that day:

…I was literally brought to tears upon reading this.  Partly because of the gratitude I felt for yet another example of the greatness of the human spirit (thank you, Dear Matthew)…


I speak of the VERY SAME new world order (NWO) globalist— traitors of our Constitution–those scoundrel lapdogs of the United Nations (UN), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and ALL of the derivative organizations thereof.

…I speak of any and all supporters of Agenda 21, including the so-called ‘elected’ representatives of our Congress, such as Mitch McConnell- TRAITOR of our Constitution EXTRAORDINAIRE– and proponent of The Patriot Act (…oh, Mitch, I feel a quiet pity for your soul when the people finally find out who you REALLY work for and what you have done to deny and abscond with their most basic freedoms for which so many have given their lives to defend…)

…I speak of, and with vehement dissent against, ALL THOSE who serve The Crown Corporations–which is synonymous with those whom oppose life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in all of its forms…

…I point you back to the great video that Logan made about the Federal Reserve Act- link here:

Yes, folks, for those who have read Logan’s Trail Journal entry about Matthew, it is a sad commentary on the state of our union when a boy in West Virginia likes apples but cannot eat them because HE HAS NO TEETH.  …A boy who lives with his mom in a decrepit trailer WITHOUT ELECTRICITY.

Ironically:  “West Virginia is the nation’s largest coal producer east of the Mississippi River and the second-largest overall, leading the nation in coal production from underground mines; it accounts for more than 10 percent of coal production in the United States, delivering coal to more than 25 states on the East Coast and in the Midwest. The state is the second largest net exporter of electricity in the country.”        SOURCE:

Okay- end of the Drewber rant.  I will now get off of my TFT soapbox and close this week’s report with one last thing to ponder…

…On this day of memorial, May 25, 2015, I beg of thee, please:  no longer thank me for my service, for your words of thanksgiving are hollow and mean nothing to me.

Rather, if you REALLY want to thank me (or anyone else) for my/our service as veterans of these States United, then TAKE ACTION to become INFORMED; take ACTION to inquire of our ‘elected’ representatives about the reasons for continued wars and crimes against humanity– for which our military industrial complex is infinitely complicit at the behest of the Crown Corporation (the aforementioned non-human, non-and-ANTI-AMERICAN scum) who perpetuate division, confusion and conflict to serve ONLY their sick, twisted means of depopulating YOU!

If YOU REALLY want to help– then seek to discover the TRUTH.

I apologize, dearest TFT Community,  if it seems I am ending this week’s report on a contentious note, for I/we seek to be a conduit for healing and assimilation.  It is not our goal/intent to be inflammatory nor divisive.

That said, it IS our stated goal to bring light to the truth of the perplex (and sometimes overwhelming) constructs that have been designed to divide humanity; to deceive and deter humanity from re-alzing our divinity… our inherent divinity and natural tendency toward peace…toward the final dissolution of all wars.

May love and light be with you… until next week, may we all trek in peace! 🙂

TFT Progress Report — Week #3 & 4 (combined report- mega update !)

Happy SUNday, dear TFT Community! 🙂

What a week (or two) it has been, both on the trail and back at HQ.  Yep.  It’s been two weeks since the last progress update was posted, and we’ve covered a LOT of ground (literally and figuratively speaking) since then.     …So, happy campers, drop your packs, pull up a seat, and let’s delve right in to the TFT progress report for weeks # 3 & 4.

First and foremost, today is noteworthy in that Logan, Kathryn, Oliver and I departed for Delaware on April 17.  Thus, the TFT celebrates its first full month of the trek TODAY  –woo-hoo!!!!!! 🙂

Additionally, Logan has logged 397 miles since the onset, averaging about 14 miles per day so far.  If we don’t count the ‘zero’ days of non-hiking, then his actual daily average mileage hiked is 17.5, which equates to an average speed of 3 mph.  WHEW!– now that’s some ‘humpin’!!!

He currently sits at cumulative mile marker 19.83 on segment 2 of the West Virginia ADT trail.

Here’s a photo of a map to help illustrate the significant portion he’s covered over the past two weeks; from Washington, D.C. through Maryland and into West Virginia.   Aside it is the actual ADT turn-by-turn directions (click on photo to enlarge):

ADT Maryland Segment 4 – C&O Canal Path

The past couple of weeks have been a learning experience for us both.  I have had to re-hone my logistical support operations skills.  Likewise, Logan has had to adapt and overcome some unforeseen circumstances as we mutually assimilate methodologies/rhythm  for communication, re-supply and forward logistics planning that neither of us have encountered since our days in the military some three decades ago.

…On that note, it dawned on me that we both find ourselves relying upon our respective primary military occupational specialty (MOS), and would never have imagined in 1984 that either of us would be applying those skills in this fashion so many years later.  For, you see, my primary MOS in The Corps was 0431 (Embarkation and Logistics Specialist), whereas Logan was a Forward Observer (FO) in the Army.

…Here we are in present day, on the TFT mission, fulfilling respective roles that are perfectly suited to the training and experiential knowledge we gained during military service.   And, quite candidly, while it is somewhat challenging to balance the demands of daily work with TFT pursuits, the TFT endeavor is reminiscent of the adventuresome ‘fun’ we had in younger days during our military enlistment  (albeit, with more physical pain and more heart palpitations presently than in days past… 🙂 )

Indeed, it takes serious coordination and planning just to ensure that Logan makes certain milestones in order to secure water, food, a place to bivouac, assuming he’s within cell range for us to even be able to communicate.  The following photo provides a sense of the detail that goes in to executing this mission; this is a closer-up of the ADT guide and my marginal annotations during the brief calls/texts we have when he is within cell range (provided he still has battery power at any given time):

ADT WV Segment 1 – MD line to Streby, WV

This particular stretch (i.e., segment 2 of the WV trail) was particularly challenging because he had only a couple of places he could stop to take a break (the roads in rural WV are curvy, hilly and not conducive to hiking along with oncoming traffic).

Concurrently, I was trying to utilize google maps to locate anyplace that might have a gas station/store along the trail route where he could get water/chow between stop-overs for the night.

…I thought surely we were ‘golden’ for a re-supply near Streby, WV when I found a gas station near a place called ‘Brick Church’, which was THE LAST place before his camp-out in Red Creek preserve (a.k.a.- ‘no-wheres-ville’).

Turns out, this place has been closed for two years, which we didn’t know until  Logan arrived there.  By the grace of God, a local resident stopped to help Logan get water before he secured camp at Red Creek campsite, which is an abandoned WWII ordnance depot up in the boondocks.

Store at mile 58.84

WV Boondocks – Red Creek Campsite






As of this afternoon (Saturday, May 17, 2015 @ 1330 hours), Logan is holed-up in Canaan Valley (Davis, WV), before setting off tomorrow morning for the next leg and week #5 of the TFT.

Yesterday I received the SIM card in the mail from Logan’s last two weeks traversing the C&O canal stretch of the journey.  –And WOW!– what awesome video and commentary was enclosed!!!

Following are some highlights of the videos he produced over the past couple of weeks, all of which can also be found on the Trek For Truth YouTube channel – link here:

I especially encourage you to view the trail video updates # 6, #7, as well as the interview with Vinny Frazzitta.

Here are videos # 6 & 7 for your convenience:


It is very motivating and inspiring to hear Logan’s commentary in #6 &7.  It’s also awesome to hear Vinny talk about his own mission to raise awareness for veterans who are committing suicide and/or dying at alarming rates due to lack of effective assistance from the very ‘government’ who assigned them to the atrocities of war.

Here is the interview with ‘Vinny’:

BTW- here is the link to Chefs Fore Vets, and we encourage you check out the incredible work that Vinny is coordinating and promoting while he bikes across the USA for veterans in need of our support:

Other videos are very interesting because they provide historical and geographical perspective for this particular leg of the trail.  The following vids show the slackwater area near the C&O dam, then the paw paw tunnel construct:


As we close out this progress report, I’d like to provide a reminder.  If you’d like to follow Logan’s daily trail journal, then bookmark Unitic’s 2015 American Discovery Trail Journal by clicking here:

Thanks again, TFT Community, for your ongoing support and encouragement.  It is with much love and gratitude to ALL of the helpers and donors that we post this update to benchmark month #1.

…There are so many incredible people who fulfill so many roles of support; we simply could not manage this without their help.  …Folks like Jim Patterson who has invested COUNTLESS hours building the website, Bob & Patty who help care for Cuz along with Kathryn, plus all of the very generous folk who have donated operating funds to our Paypal account, as well as trail angels and those in our ‘Soul Group’ who provide prayers and counsel along the way.

…Truly- this is and will continue to be a collective effort- for which Logan and I are humbled with appreciation for the generosity and love we receive along the trail.

I leave you with this closing 20 second video from my backyard, and a message for us all to consider: If dogs and cats such as Cuz and Mr. Butters can cohabit in peace –then so can we as a global family, as the naturally loving and compassionate human species that WE ARE.

Until next time, our peace be with you,



The Innate Potato… seriously?

Oh me, oh my, Folks!  — Where to begin with this post?   This article is about the degradation of our food supply by the factory-farming ’empires’ (their self-descriptive word, not mine), and I’ll refer to the topic as ‘Trans-potatoism” (ha ha ha).

Actually, it’d be funny if it weren’t true, but it is:  The company, Simplot, (, was brought to my attention several months back, when I read an article by Tom Philpott (link here:

I went to Simplot’s website and was amused (not really) to read the language they use in their mission statement: “Bringing Earth’s Resources to Life”

News flash– Earth’s resources are already alive and tend to do quite well on their own, NATURALLY…just sayin’.

…And so I read on; here’s the opening sentence on their ‘about’ page (emphasis in bold/italics added by me):  The J.R. Simplot Company was started by an energetic entrepreneur in 1929, and grew from a one-man farming operation into a food and agribusiness empire.

Great.  That is from where I want to procure my potatoes- an agri-empire! (not)

As it pertains to the subject matter of this post, I read more about their trademarked and patented potato:

Combining our extensive experience in agriculture with the latest in biotechnology, the Simplot Plant Sciences team developed Innate™ Technology, an innovative biotechnology platform for improving crops. This new biotechnology process results in tangible improvements in crops that lead to better foods and ultimately, sustainable benefits for the land.

Sounds harmless enough, eh?  They must be doing the best thing by all of us, because it says so, right there on their website (please pardon my jaded sarcasm).

Let’s pause and consult the dictionary for the definition of the word ‘Innate’ (adj):  belonging to the essential nature of something; inborn (…and last but not least): NATURAL

Here is the concern, for which I propose a solution in my closing comments:

1)  The ‘innate potato’ is the antithesis of natural.

2) It involves RNA interference, whereas the genetic engineering aspect is spun by labeling it ‘innate’

3) In its application to the USDA (found here: ), Simplot sites the OECD (‘ahem’- major alarm bells) and the “harmonization of regulatory oversight in biotechnology”–which concludes by stating that they intend to create a potato monopoly via the ‘mitigating of concerns…such as seed dispersal..’

…Look, good people, I am no Ph.D,, but I am relatively cognizant; enough so that I will defer to this guy, Doug, who is a Ph.D from The Center for Food Safety:

We simply don’t know enough about RNA interference technology to determine whether GE crops developed with it are safe for people and the environment.  If this is an attempt to give crop biotechnology a more benign face, all it has really done is expose the inadequacies of the U.S. regulation of GE crops.  These approvals are riddled with holes and are extremely worrisome,” said Doug Gurian-Sherman, Ph.D., CFS director of sustainable agriculture and senior scientist.

Here is link to that page:

Okay, then… I’m beating a dead spud by droning on about the background on this topic- let’s talk about solutions and ideas for making the situation better.  Here are my initial thoughts:

1) Label it.  Make it MANDATORY for the food service industry (be it McD’s or the local grocery store) to clearly and plainly denote that the potatoes they sell (be they in french fry form or the spud itself) are geo-engineered (i.e., that what we are consuming is NOT ‘au natural’) .  That way, we can be informed consumers who can make informed choices about the food we are putting into our bodies, as well as whether we wish to sustain the ’empire’, such as Simplot.

2) Become informed about factory farming (i.e., the aforementioned agri-empire), and choose NOT to participate…you do NOT have to consent to this ridiculous ludicrous.  You DO have a choice and WE CAN make a difference by re-directing our purchasing habits.

3) More to point #2 above- Buy LOCALLY and  thereby support the concept of de-centralizing the Agri-biz.  This will result in YOU having natural potatoes, as well as engendering support for, and sustainability of, actual farmers in our local communities –those whom seek to make an honest living by producing NATURAL, healthy foods that are better for both the environment and our species.

What ideas/input do you have for solutions?  We’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, because, after all, TFT is about solutions for making life better, happier and healthier for us all.

Who’s with me now?  All together on ‘3’:  …1, 2, 3  — STOP TRANS-POTATOISM!!!  🙂   Set my potatoes free!

A natural potato is a happy potato

